Keeping snapshots of shared buffers and prewarming accordingly.

One major problem that i face during a failover is that contents of shared buffers on the slave are invalid or irrelevant. pg_prewarm that came with 9.4 is a good solution but usually you would use it by prewarming a table, or you could manually get the pages from pg_buffercache and prewarm the pages you had on the master prior to the failover, not everyone can do this especially during a failover, i reckon only a few can, so i wrote an extension called 'pgcozy' (comments about the name should be directed to @DenishPatel hehe).
This extension basically utilizes 2 well known extensions, pg_buffercache and pg_prewarm.
pg_buffercache has helped me so many times in the past that i couldn't even count, it shows the contents (pages) of the shared buffers and their popularity.
pg_prewarm is a new (9.4) extension that can be used on the block or relation level. In our case we will use it in the block level and we will put these 2 extensions to work.

pgcozy, stores on demand (or scheduled via a crontab entry) a snapshot of the contents of shared buffers in jsonb and because it will be replicated, any slave will know the contents of masters shared buffers.
It consists in 3 functions:
  1. initialization function
  2. shapshot function
  3. warm function
But first lets start with the installation.

unzip, and run make ; make install

then from the db that you want : create extension pgcozy;
it requires pg_buffercache and pg_prewarm preinstalled so if you get an error about these, please install them first.

After installation you need to initialize a schema and a table that it will store its contents, for now these are hardcoded, the schema name is pgcozy and the table is called snapshots.

test=# select pgcozy_init();
NOTICE:  pg_buffercache and pg_prewarm exists continuing...
NOTICE:  schema "pgcozy" does not exist, skipping
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "drop schema IF EXISTS pgcozy cascade"
PL/pgSQL function pgcozy_init() line 6 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  type "cozy_type" does not exist, skipping
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "drop type if exists cozy_type"
PL/pgSQL function pgcozy_init() line 10 at SQL statement
NOTICE:  Everything is done, check pgcozy schema for more details.

The above statement will initialize the schema and the table, from here you should be good to start taking snapshots:

test=# select pgcozy_snapshot (0);
NOTICE:  Getting a new snapshot of all contents of pg_buffercache...
NOTICE:  Snapshot Taken..

(1 row)

test=# select pgcozy_snapshot (1);
NOTICE:  Getting a new snapshot...

(1 row)

test=# select * from pgcozy.snapshots;
 id | snapshot_date | snapshot
  1 | 2015-05-04    |
  2 | 2015-05-04    |
(2 rows)

Because this test db is fresh, it has no contents, but if you notice the argument of pgcozy_snapshot you can see that you can choose 0-5.
0 means all contents and 1-5 refers to the page popularity of pg_buffercache.
This means that you can select which pages you want to keep in your snapshot.

So lets initialize the db with some contents. I will use pgbench for this :

vasilis@cozy1:~$ ./pgbench -i -d test
NOTICE:  table "pgbench_history" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "pgbench_tellers" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "pgbench_accounts" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE:  table "pgbench_branches" does not exist, skipping
creating tables...
100000 of 100000 tuples (100%) done (elapsed 0.13 s, remaining 0.00 s).
set primary keys...
vasilis@cozy1:~$ ./pgbench test
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: TPC-B (sort of)
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 1
number of threads: 1
number of transactions per client: 10
number of transactions actually processed: 10/10
latency average: 0.000 ms
tps = 576.335658 (including connections establishing)
tps = 699.154024 (excluding connections establishing)

I didn't do much here, i just initialized pgbench with default values and i run a pgbench... again, with default values.
Lets get a new snapshot now :

test=# select pgcozy_snapshot (0);
NOTICE:  Getting a new snapshot of all contents of pg_buffercache...
NOTICE:  Snapshot Taken..

(1 row)

test=# select * from pgcozy.snapshots;
 id | snapshot_date |

  1 | 2015-05-04    |
  2 | 2015-05-04    |
  3 | 2015-05-04    | [{"block_no": 0, "popularity": 3, "table_name": "pgcozy.snapshots"}, {"block_no": 0, "popularity": 2, "table_name": "pgcozy.snapshots_uniq_idx"}, {"block_no": 1, "popularity": 2, "table_nam
e": "pgcozy.snapshots_uniq_idx"}, {"block_no": 0, "popularity": 2, "table_name": "public.pgbench_branches_pkey"}, {"block_no": 0, "popularity": 1, "table_name": "public.pgbench_tellers_pkey"}, {"block_no": 3, "p
opularity": 5, "table_name": "public.pgbench_accounts_pkey"}, {"block_no": 0, "popularity": 1, "table_name": "public.pgbench_accounts_pkey"}]
(3 rows)

As you can see, our latest snapshot has contents , as i previously mentioned i used jsonb to keep my snapshots nice and organized. This of course is being replicated to a slave i have. I don't really care about my slaves buffer cache contents, so i will assume that they are invalid because of readonly operations that happen there.. but something happened and i have to failover, so on the slave :

test=# select pgcozy_warm(0);
NOTICE:  warming up according to the latest pgcozy snapshot...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'pgcozy.snapshots' block 0 ...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'pgcozy.snapshots_uniq_idx' block 0 ...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'pgcozy.snapshots_uniq_idx' block 1 ...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'public.pgbench_branches_pkey' block 0 ...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'public.pgbench_tellers_pkey' block 0 ...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'public.pgbench_accounts_pkey' block 3 ...
NOTICE:  Warming up 'public.pgbench_accounts_pkey' block 0 ...
NOTICE:  Done Warming up according to the latest snapshot...

pgcozy_warm can be used to prewarm according to the latest snapshot (0) or a specific snapshot id (check pgcozy.snapshot for that id).

I find this simple set of functions quite useful because everything passes through shared buffers and its really easy to put the wrong things in there. This way you can revert the contents of shared buffers to the way they were before any alteration.

It has some work that needs to be done in order to make this more of general use but for now it seems to work as it should, let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading
-- Vasilis


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