PostgreSQL on ZFS with BPF tracing on top.
At OmniTI we love solaris, my personal favourite features are ZFS and DTrace. Unfortunately not many run postgres on solaris so i have decided to implement similar features in linux. Instead of Dtrace i'll install BPF, in-kernel bytecode that can be used for tracing introduced in recent kernels (4.X). This post will be a part of a three series post. In this post we'll start with setup, in part #2 with ZFS and how to use it for backups / snapshots. In part #3 we'll dig into BPF a bit more. Step 1 is to setup a new ubuntu. I setup a VM using ubuntu-16.04.2-server-amd64.iso. As root : Add the repo for bcc : > echo "deb [trusted=yes] xenial-nightly main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iovisor.list sudo apt-get update Install all necessary and some optional packages : > apt-get install -y sudo wget apt-transport-https joe less build-essential libreadline-dev \ zlib1g-dev flex bison libxml2-dev libxslt-dev l...